Can we show some love for this guy?!?! He literally went full ape with a 6hr AMA!!

I am both thrilled about how the AMA went and that there hasn't been a tsunami of related posts yesterday or today on this sub.

To that first point: I think Justin is very well spoken, has a strong character and sticks to his guns. (the only experience of him I have is about the first 4 hours of the AMA and twitter, but still). I do believe he is actively and successfully trying to stick up for retail investors and I have nothing but respect for him. He didn't shy away from questions that seemed to try to catch him on topics like 420/not being a drug user or religion and so on. Mad props. I thought his responses were reasonable and he certainly accepted that he does not fully understand all the pieces at play here. He's obviously not fully immersed in the DD and day to day madness on this sub, but can we blame him? Fuck no, he's got a business to run. He didn't call any of us out for being tin foiled hat maniacs, and he gave some good insight into how to look at potential DD based on the reliability of information available: both because they might be misreported or they could just be outdated.

To the second point: I think this sub has done a great job of not latching onto a new messiah as it suits the bull thesis. u/dontfightthevol took some serious heat that I don't think she deserved, and it seems as of now, Justin won't be taking the same flak, thank god. These AMAs are basically the equivalent to a news article being published from a reputable source (what's that tho) in that it's not going to be 100% true all the time, especially with 6h of content, and it's irresponsible for someone to draw concrete conclusions from one other person's opinion, especially on something as complex as GME. There are certainly some good nuggets in here, but it's always difficult to go back through a stream to find them.

All in all: props to Justin, props to the apes. In my personal opinion, DOMO is certainly deserving of some bananas once all is said and done.

/r/Superstonk Thread Link -