Can sleep . . . just stop working?

So yes sleep csn judt stop working for you .

After all sleep is not a cure all or all of us would be in bed right now .... believe me sleep would be sought after much more than it is.

So whats going on with you?

It sure sounds like anxiety to me.

Of course your GAD can become SAX all to easily and then you are off to the loss of sleep and genuine SAX and we do nit want tjis event to happen to you

Your need a PCP vidit ASAP because you need a talk and lots of blood works ASAP.

I have my diubts that this whe bog day long syndrome you describe is just related to anxiety ... in other words you pelrobanly have something horom8bal gling on with you ... there are 100scof other disease processes possible here and you need a consult right away!

Well thats my humble opinion!

Post any questions.

Good luck.


/r/sleep Thread