Can someone explain the appeal of this game to me?

Well at the start, it was just addictive fun to play alongside your friends. Throw in a little bit of fashion frame. The combat is still superb.

Anthem’s biggest problem is that it launched far too early. We’re talking like a good 3 years too early. BioWare never had a chance to build the endgame experience (a now crucial part of a loot-shooter, along with consistent content support). Throw in a frustrating FrostBite Engine on top of all of that and you’ve got yourself a major disaster in the making. Anthem has a TON of potential, but it’s so deeply unfinished that I’m really starting to wonder how much longer EA will continue to put up with Anthem. Most people I know have already totally forgotten about it - and they had no ill will against the game at all. BioWare just never did anything with it and so everyone just kinda moved on. I just don’t see how Bio is going to re-sell this product as a viable time investment, the amount of content and changes to this game would have to be absolutely massive. Good luck to Bio, I’m ready to dive back into Anthem - but not until there’s a reason to.

/r/AnthemTheGame Thread