Can someone explain why compensation is seen as a negative?

That's not how life works lol. We all die. I want to have fun before I die. I need money to fund some of the fun things I do. Simple as that.

So you are compensating for lack of these items and for lack of fun in your life.

To compensate you need to be making up for something (Dictionary definition).

You are making up for lacking these things. This complies to the definition in dictionary.

I'm not making up for anything. Money is the tool I use to get myself to the point I want to be.

You are making up for not being at the point you want to be.

You're argument is that by making money I'm compensating for not having money, but that's just not it. With out money I can't live my life style. It's just a tool.

Ok, in that case - by making money you are compensating for not being able to afford the lifestyle you want to live.

Is eating food compensating for not having food to eat? No I just don't want to die of starvation.

Having fun and dying of starvation are two different things.

I continue to try to make more so I can buy and experience more things. Not because I feel I need this money to make up for something lacking.

But you are literally making money to compensate for something lacking, in this case it is things and experiences that you lack.

By your logic everything you do is compensation.

No, breathing is not compensation, because is a genetic need. Eating is not compensation because it is a genetic need and an instinct. Everything else is compensation. So homeless people who survive off in the wild are truly the most confident people who don't have the need to compensate at all.

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