Can someone explain what a runners high feels like?

I haven’t been a runner for a long time. Only since August. But I run 7 miles in an hour twice a week and am working up to 14m miles in 2 hours on the weekend.

For me runners high is when I forget about my legs and the strain and feel at peace. I get two levels of it, where I’m lost in my thoughts and having a good think, and when I zen out so much I think of nothing and feel absolutely fine about it. It’s the only time in the day I don’t think about something.

It’s the post run benefits I appreciate the most. I get really happy and feel positive and stable all day, and even get a faint after glow the next day. I’ve been depressed and anxious for my whole life, and it’s wondeful to be released from that.

/r/xxfitness Thread