Can someone fucking explain to my why Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh's accuser, has taken a polygraph...but Kavanaugh, the accused, has not? Oh, right... because it's only the WOMEN who are never believed. #IBelieveHer

The judicial system is based on a presumption of innocence. Innocent until proven guilty means that an accuser has to “prove” beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime has occurred. For better or worse, this is how the system works.

Presumption of innocence is a total red herring. This only applies if we are talking about defendant in a court of law being tried for a crime. He is not. He is just some schmuck being considered for a really really really important job. Being sketchy is reason enough to deny him a huge promotion and power over every one in the country. He does not have a constitutional right to a lifetime appointment. This needs to be shouted everytime the GOP bring up this dumb point.

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