Can someone please explain The Great Reset?

Post WWII world order is comprised of the world Multilateralizing to revolutionize finance/trade/governance (globalism as a service).

Products of globalism include: Breton woods agreements(USD reserve currency), free trade, world trade organization, IMF (loans to developing countries),

In the 70s gold standard was relinquished to increase availability of USD. All fiat has a lifespan, ISD is propped up by derivatives etc. it has a purpose so it’s not totally a scam.

Now as we enter the fourth industrial revolution, everything from our wallets to supply chains and production of resources has to be reset for the next phase of globalism. Likely to see something like UN given power to mint CBDC and distribute to nations who allow binding resolutions or something. UN finds hyperloop etc.

Everything becomes a service like a lime scooter. You don’t own but it’s free ish

/r/conspiracy Thread