Can someone produce an algorithm for this task please, and possibly help me write the code?

I've created the code however I want to be able to change it so that the teacher views the entire class' results rather than a specific student.

Here is my code.

form = input('What form would you like to view? G, H or J? ') name = input("Which student's results do you want to view? ") if form == 'G': o = open('G.txt') contents = if name in contents: with open('G.txt') as myFile: for num, line in enumerate(myFile, 1): if name in line: print("Number of '" + name + "' in file = ", contents.count(name))

G = open('G.txt','r')
for line in G:
    results = line.split(',')
num_of_name = contents.count(name)
while num_of_name >3:
    a = int(results.index(name))
    b = int(a + 1)
    num_of_name = int(num_of_name) - 1
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(results) if x == name]
c = len(indices)
if c == 3:
    d = [results[indices[0] + 1],results[indices[1] + 1],results[indices[2] + 1]]
    print(str(name) + ' has got ' +str(results[indices[0] + 1])+', ' +str(results[indices[1] + 1])+' and ' +str(results[indices[2] + 1]))
elif c == 2:
     d = [results[indices[0] + 1],results[indices[1] + 1]]
     print(str(name) + ' has got ' +str(results[indices[0] + 1])+' and ' +str(results[indices[1] + 1]))
elif c == 1:
     d = [results[indices[0] + 1]]
     print(str(name) + ' has got ' +str(results[indices[0] + 1]))
    print('This person has not done any quizzes')

decision = input('Alphabetical order, highest score, average score? 1, 2 or 3? ')
if decision == '1':
    e = sorted(d)
if decision == '2':
    print('The highest score ' +name +' got was ' +max(d) +'.')
if decision == '3':
    e = int(results[indices[0] + 1]) +int(results[indices[1] + 1]) +int(results[indices[2] + 1])
    f = e/int(len(d))
    print(name +"'s average score was " + str(f) + '.')


from collections import Counter

c = Counter(name_contents)

num_of_name = int(c[name])

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