Can someone track me down and find my personal information?

If you have done nothing wrong you are not ok his radar. That is, assuming this is really a 15 year old hacker, which I’m pretty unsure of. If this person is really LE and decoying as an underage target, he would never compromise his position by telling you.

To me, the most likely scenario is that this is a pedophile pretending to be a 15 yo vigilante to earn your trust.

Honestly giving the benefit Of the doubt and saying he is who he says he is, he is engaging in acts that you should stay far away from lest you get caught up in these shenanigans.

You have the option of not logging into this chat site under that profile again if you feel too scared.

If this “15 yo hacker” is ever inappropriate or tries to send you any “pics or chat logs from his “investigations”, do NOT download or look at them.

/r/privacy Thread Parent