Can we stop this stuff!I have never watched a single fortnite video on YouTube.second of all these are stopping actual good videos from being shown. This video has way too many views. I of course didn’t click but I am sad for all those poor suckers who clicked and realized this was fake.

Fucking hell, Battle Royale is the most annoying, maddening fad I've seen appear on the internet thus far. I mean goddamn, even the most cancerous fads like FNAF or MLP weren't invading every community on the internet.

Holy shit, this is literally invading each and every corner and beyond, I've never despised a genre so much. I tried to stay away, I tried to ignore it, but it's a legitimate fucking curse. Why isn't there a Chrome extension that automatically detects words/in-game pictures related to these shitty battle royales? Oh right, as if that would even cleanse the massive cumstorm this game has caused.

I've literally seen all the gameplay every Battle Royale game has to offer, through pictures and references alone, just in a week of being on the internet.

/r/youtube Thread Link -