Can we stop with the posts about the shinies you have, please.

ADULTS who play this game. There are alot of nice kids like my niece who are as excited as you feel about their new shiny, and don't yet feel rushed by the assholery of all of you to stop being excited. Isn't that the point of the game? Who are you? It's a game for adults and kids alike; but, it's REALLY LAME for you to be GAME SNOBS like this, in a social media sub that can make my kids feel bad if they see it. Who are you even mad with? You want to have a serious talk about Pokemon go with steangers? I play everyday on two accounts for years, and there is LITERALLY NOTHING you could ask that you shouldn't be able to figure out on your own . There is nothing you have to say that any little kid who is proud of a catch can't say just as well. Get over yourselves.

/r/pokemongo Thread