I can’t do this

I don't know if you will see this or read this, but don't fucking do it. My uncle recently ended his own life. You know what the suicide caused? It caused so much horrible shit and depression in my family. My aunt is all fucked up now thanks to the suicide. He had two kids and an entire group of relatives who loved him so much. suicide doesn't fix shit. it doesn't fix the damn pain. it just passes it on to others. you might say no one cares about you or loves you, but people do. I know people do. In fact me even writing this post shows someone cares enough to take time out of their day to attempt to help you. If you are successful in your attempt, I guarantee your gonna put someone else down the same horrible road as you've been down. You might cause someone else to fucking kill themselves. Suicide isn't an option, it's fucking selfish. You are ridding of your pain but still putting others in pain by grief and loss. don't do it.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread