I can’t believe this

I read your post, and I just wanted to say a couple things about it. I hope I don’t seem like some mindless idiot convincing you not to kill yourself; that’s not the point of me replying to you. My point in replying to you is to perhaps give you some kind of hope in that what you’re experiencing happens to the best kind of person, I feel. I’m a college student, 21, and female. I have never met anyone else who cares as much about college as I do, or about life in general. I’m motivated, ambitious, and objective. I’m overwhelmingly passionate about everything, basically. I’m accomplished and have a lot going for me, but do others see that? No. I’ve never met one guy at college who isn’t retarded, whether it be mentally or in bed. They may look “hot” (which isn’t hot to me, honestly), but once you get to know them, there’s nothing there. You have to understand what the world of your peers consists of: Instagram, casual hook-ups for attention, and slacking your way through life. It’s all hedonism and nothing genuine. I hate the world, as the world is full of filth, and becoming more that way every day. Everything that is good is made bad, everyone who is good is taken out of this world. What I want to say to you is, do you really want the masses of smartphone-zombie idiots to take your life, too? They don’t deserve an ounce of your being, so for f**k’s sake, please don’t give them your life.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread