Can’t older women just date older men?

all shitty or useless people lose their interpersonal value once hotness fades.

the caveat is shitty people that congregate with other shitty people. though if they’re really really shitty, they will be intolerable to other people, even other shitty people, so that kind of circlejerking will only amount to a massive death toll.

oh, dating, that’s the macro level you’re on. wups. why can’t they? self entitled bitches, that’s probably it. as well as lack of accountability and inability to survive without someone coddling them. some horny and stupid dudes grow out of the “worship weeman” phase, and this offends the self entitled bitches. some women aren’t even attractive and have the impression they deserve certain things for well, having a vagina.

summary: because men aren’t attracted to older women, and because they might have some entitlement issues that prevent them from “degrading” themselves by seeking mutually beneficial interpersonal relationships. there may be a small minority of people who are less superficial and treat “dating” as just a means to an end. the end being a sense of stability and comfort, preserved in a neat little box of a human heart.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread