Can’t seem to get to get commitment out this girl. Driving me mad.

I am in the same situation! The only difference is I’m having sex with her so it makes a lot more tolerable. I just accepted and enjoy the sex and seek other women. But it seems like she’s not putting out for you yet so you need to put that chick in her place. Go cold, I believe in redpill terms it’s called “dreadgame”, basically you become very distant almost fully evasive. For example completely ignore her all weekend (but don’t leave her on read, just don’t open anything she sents) and then on Sunday night just text her “wild weekend, what’s up?”, it honestly doesn’t matter what you text her as long as you create the idea in her head that you have other options than her and have things more important than her. Then when you start texting her again make sure she’s doing most of the heavy lifting, don’t be the first to ask to hang, don’t be the first to go in for a kiss, etc., you already pulled enough my dude, it’s time for her to pull you and if she doesn’t then her loss, it would a waste of energy to even try to go any further at that point. If that still fails then just ghost her and she will text you again sometime after her next relationship when she’s vulnerable.

/r/asktrp Thread