Can we talk about the ending to 12 Minutes? (SPOILER)

I've been thinking about it all for the last 2 days and feel like I've come to a satisfying conclusion. There are only 2 real endings to the game. and they both take place in the same (and only) timeline one after the other.

The entire time loop portion of the game takes place inside the mind of the protagonist and the time loops are his way of rationalising his obsession with his sister and fathoming how he can end up winning her over after the revelation is revealed. The cop that tries to break in is his guilt. The relentless urge to tell your pregnant wife/sister the truth. The urge will either reset or ruin everything if you don't "live in the present".

The only scene that takes place in the present moment is the scene in the library with the cop modelled dad. The ending where you end up alone in your apartment isn't the true ending because you are completely miserable and you've essentially left the mother of your child with no rhyme or reason, just another instance of you imagining a horrible outcome. The only canonical outcome in this scene is that you mention one of your wife's favourite book quotes. A lot of people think this is the protagonist admitting that the best thing to do is forget everything and move on, but I disagree.

You agree to be hypnotised, but you focus on the clock instead of the fathers voice. I'm sure that a lot of people will say that the clock represents a pendulous pocket watch but I disagree with this also. The first thing the father says is something along the lines of "close your eyes, and listen to what I am saying". But you don't. You focus on the ticking of the clock and drown out all of your fathers hypnotism. You don't hear any of it. That's why at the end you hear the final line of the hypnotism "my you certainly have a wild imagination" in the current loop you are in. You've held on to everything. What happens between this ending and the second ending is up for debate. Maybe you do kill the dad. maybe you hypnotise him to forget he has a son. You've already proven you know the contents of the book in his office. (Clearly a book on hypnosis). But regardless what happens next is the ending that can be only played with a clean slate. There is no continue to get it because that would start another loop. The game assumes that in the time it takes to come to the mindfulness ending you already know what happens next. You go to your flat. You listen to your wife. and she asks you about "if she had an affair, would you want to know". The only time your protagonist character really sounds mindful and aware of the actual situation he's in and at the beginning of a clean slate loop. He knows what the true threat of the relationship is. And in this conversation you both agree that its better to leave the past in the past and not to bring it up if its just going to hurt. You leave the apartment without the threat of the cop coming in because the guilt and shame aren't coming. You've found a way to process the situation and you and your wife leave it behind. This is the True conclusion of 12 minutes that I came to and it's really the only satisfying way everyone gets a happy ending. Please feel free to debate it.

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