can we talk about how traumatizing this COVID shit has been

It really underlined in sharpie then went over with yellow highlighter how broken everything is. Everything. We had our suspicions, a lot of us I'm sure. But there's no denying it.

From the absolutely limpdick political response to my fellow citizens being god damned imbeciles (mind you I'm in Canada but still, doesn't take many morons to be effective). And of course, modern capitalism, which can not survive the slightest deviation from normality.

The saving grace has been the medical community coming out swinging with vaccines and treatments. Their thanks for it seems to be public, vitriolic abuse, to add icing to the shitcake.

The worst leftover for me will be the genuine misanthropy the response to COVID has stoked in me. It's going to linger for years.

/r/antiwork Thread