I can tell this was made to anger the toxic fanboys... I love it.

Probably for the best. I love my straight white men like Daredevil and Moon Knight being introduced to the MCU. I am excited about F4 and X-MEN, which should bring in Reed Richards, Wolverine, etc.

However, for as long as it's existed, the majority of action heroes have probably been white and/or men, so if they can give us some different stuff, I'd be happy. I want to see different cultures represented so that they can build an interesting world. Like with the Meso American Namor, it adds something different that we haven't really seen before, and I wanna see other ancient cultures or mythologies get superhero stuff as far as if there are any underrepresented ones. As long as the stories are well told, I have zero problems with things like female empowerment

/r/marvelstudios Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it