Can you tell me the error in my logic?

Makes sense i guess. Why havent we found other life? And why didnt the moon have these chemicals? Why earth? How do these chemicals create conciousness and an experience with feelings we exist in today? We cant answer that and i dont expect you too but we cant just skim over these questions and hope we (as a society) find out some day in the future. We have the technology to look at atoms and black holes why arent these questions, probably the most important questions we have, why arent we making any progress at all to answering them? We didnt get thid technology, it took progress, not a single idea by a scientist, so why is there no progress on these questions? We still have no clue how the fuck we got here, why, when, and how.

Hwo the fuck can space be infinite? Thats not even something our brain can comprehend because everything we know and understand has a begining and an end so where does space end? What would that even mean ? Whats beyond the end point? If it doesnt end, how the fuck. You get what im saying man? Theres so much more than just numbers scientist try to use to describe everything. Conciousness isnt a number, it isnt a chemical, it isnt an equation, its outside of everything we know about science.

Only a god has a decent explanation so far, maybe they find out thousands of years from now, but i wont be waiting around to find out so im picking god for now man. Better safe than sorry anyway, if we did come from nothing, at least die mentally calm and peace

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