Can we get a trailer for the seasons like a week before it comes out

I'm just gonna c/p what I said in response to the other person because it applies to both your comments. This community really is something else...

17 hours and 51 minutes is my total playtime for Season of Plunder. This game is barely fun anymore. I'm not even looking forward to this upcoming Season because like it usually is with this game, it's just going to be recycled crap. We know Seraph weapons are coming back and we know DSC weapons will be updated. Sure that may sound like a lot to look forward to, but a lot of players already have god rolls of those weapons.

With that being said, if you don't think this community and the constant crying isn't part of why Bungie doesn't talk about things anymore, then you're part of the problem. You wanna shit on Bungie? Count me in! But this community takes it too far VERY OFTEN. Remember the recent incident of a Bungie employee being doxxed and threatened? Wait, lemme guess, you're probably one of the contributors of that incident because you couldn't handle the fact that the almighty Twilight Garrison wasn't coming back. I bet you're the type of person who says "they got what they deserved" when the Hive Mind of Destiny Twitter sends out their war cry and attacks Bungie employees.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread Parent