Can You Trust Kurzgesagt? - In A Nutshell

Looks like Kurzgesagt intentionally stalled this guy by promising an interview, so that they could pre-empt him with their own video and seem like it was 100% their own altruistic doing.

When in fact it was just an ass-covering video because they knew they'd soon be publicly called out. Sure they called themselves out, but only because someone else was gonna call them out first. They weren't honest about their intentions. It's damage control, not just principled self-correction. And they knowingly burned a smaller content creator in the process, which of course is part of the reason this guy is complaining but he's at least open about that. At best it's unprofessional, at worst it's unethical and dishonest.

I love their channel and I too was impressed by their seemingly self-motivated integrity. But it all makes sense now and if this is all true it's a pretty bad look on them. Doesn't mean all their stuff is untrustworthy garbage now, but just drives the point that we have to be objective and critical of everything from every source we consume.

Btw i skimmed this comment before i watched the video and went in expecting some lame criticism of Kurzgesagt. But this guy's gripes with their actions are valid, they weren't honest about their intentions, and comments like these glossing over significant details and acting dumb like they don't understand what the problem is are really showing a bias.

I fully expect downvotes (if anyone reads this) as everyone rushes to defend Kurzgesagt. But I think in time the objective facts will speak for themselves.

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