Can I use this type of fan with my carbon filter until I can afford a better one?

In my experience, this type of fan is good for intake. They are not so good for exhaust.

I don't know as much about fans, friction, pressure, etc. as some people. I can only explain what I've done and how it worked.

I've tested a fan like this for exhausting an insulated space with lights and no plants. It got up to 105 F. I wouldn't recommend it. This was also with no carbon filter and no duct bends.

I've tried a two fans like this, one on intake and one on exhaust. The area just got more air in than out because the intake presumably had less resistance.

I've also tried these the "right" way on intake with a fan designed for exhaust on exhaust. That works well. It even works a little better than just an opening. I don't think it works $30 better than an opening, but it definitely works a little better.

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