You can have unlimited resources to make any movie you want. What do you make?

I make a trilogy about the 2nd Punic war. It already reads like a movie.

Movie 1: The scourge of Carthage

Starts at the end of the 1st war with Hannibals father losing th ear and taking his son to Spain while making him give his famous "never be a friend to rome" speech. Then flash forward to his death and hannibals ascension. Show Fabian telling the Roman's to not engage Hannibal. Go through the war until Hannibal destroys the legions at Cannes. Leave it with the Roman's shattered and Carthage dominant in italy

Movie 2: The Eternal city pushed to the brink

Start in the aftermath of cannae with Fabian telling everyone "I told you so" and Rome trying to recover. Show how the war going bad in Spain for Rome and how Carthage is trying to drag Macedon into the war on their side. This one would be more about the political game rather than the war. End with Scipio volunteering to lead the armies in spain, with the last scene in the Senate house.

Movie 3: Rome triumphant

Scipio goes to spain and completely crushes the forces their while hannibal is slowly whittled down in Italy and finally forced to withdraw back to Africa. Specifically show how Scipios politics made the Numidians join his side and end with the final battle at Zama. Be sure to include the lre battle meeting between hannibal and scipio. End the movie years later Scipio and Hannibal meet again at a dinner party in Syria with their famous "who's the best general in history" question

/r/AskReddit Thread