Can vegans swallow the product of a BJ?

I don't think you really get it man. Some can, some can't. There is no rulebook. Everybody decides for themselves what they want to eat or not want to eat. You can go as extreme as you want. But you just choose to lump every vegan into one small box. That's easier I guess. Maybe we should do the same with meat eaters. They all eat meat so they all have the same values. They must eat every fucking thing imaginable. Rat fetus? Yes that's meat. So they probably all eat that. It is ridiculous.

If you think of veganism as the principle of not eating anything that comes from an animal you still do not have a clear awnser to your question. Do you regard humans as animals ( biologically speaking I would say yes). There are some crazies around that think that humans are not animals and thus swallowing would not be a problem( as far as veganism goes).

If you do see humans as animals, you face new questions. Why are you vegan? Is it because you hate to be the cause of animal suffering? Is it because you think it is healtier to eat plant based (spoiler: it is)? Are you concerned about the environmental impact of eating animals and their products? Or is your lifestyle based on a combination of those reasons?

So you see, you can really go in depth with this question. It is not that simple. But to me it seems that this highdea is just another cheap way of bashing people with a vegan lifestyle. Which is a shame. I expected more from a fellow ent.

/r/highdeas Thread