You can use your best skills more often! It's not metagaming!

Is it possible that your paladin's use of Intimidation is preventing some of the other players from getting to do things they want, or making them feel marginalized?

I saw a post a while back with an really cool example of Intimidation. Something like "You see my barbarian friend over there? You see that maul that he has? You know, there's a reason why that maul is the exact size of a human head. I think you'd better spill your guts, before Conan over there spills them for you."

I liked it because it highlighted the OTHER player. You are still doing the intimidating, using your skill. But you are involving the party member(s). The barbarian could come over and use the "help" action by glaring menacingly and hefting that maul. Technically it's still your roll, but now you're working as a team.

Just maybe talk about this with your DM first. When I was a player, I tried this and the DM used the Intimidation check of the other PC instead of mine, even though I was doing all the action. He was new, he didn't understand what I was trying to do.

/r/dndnext Thread