Canada plans to experiment with giving people unconditional free money (universal basic income)

3) The whole point of technological development was to reduce the need for human labor. This reduction of human labour was not to spare the labourers from hard work and injury while, it was thought up to increase profit by eliminating your single biggest cost. What wasn’t thought of in this short term thinking ideal of quick profit and shareholder bliss was that the offshoring of almost every sector and globalisation would leave you without any consumers to buy your products, as the only ones that could afford it are now unable to. In the industrial age we needed huge numbers of workers to manually create products, population booms ensued and everyone was able to afford shiny things as the flow of money didn’t really leave the boundaries of the country. This was right up until the early nineties before the information age began and anytime at this point would have been perfect to analyse where society was going and begin a long journey to utopia. Now in the information age, automation has taken off, manual labour is performed by robots who have little ongoing costs, money is moved in seconds to different countries with different tax laws, the wider public have become obsessed with things and being entertained or sedated while their lives fall apart around them and they’re becoming a burden on the world. What is now happening is that we have a massive widening of the socio economic classes and the elimination of the middle class, queue Trump propaganda. The rich don’t need workers anymore, so much is automated and most of what people do is to service other people anyway, the world can’t survive with this growing population so it won’t. If keeping humans was a business the owners would depopulate the herd, you couldn’t justify keeping half the herd alive when you have no reason to and they’re actually causing detrimental effects to the remaining herd. I think this is what will happen, no doubt actually, and I believe this is why we are seeing the Orwellian states start to show up. The powerful don’t need the people, the utopian future doesn’t have 8 billion people in it, just those that had the foresight and the power to keep themselves alive.

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