Canadian Life Alert Just Euthanizes You When You Push The Button

The problem isn't just government denying one agency over their life, it's also denying them an option to provide access a service. If government denied people the right to appendectomies, it wouldn't exactly resolve the problem for them to allow appendectomies but deny any way to access an appendectomy from a medical professional.

MAID is suicide. Someone has made the choice to end their life and found a tool with which to carry it out.

This makes me doubt whether you're participating in good faith. As you don't seem to understand the simple concept of subset vs. equality. MAID is a type of suicide. Like apples are a type of fruit. MAID is not however equivalent to suicide like apples are not equivalent to fruit.

Why are you lying about what I'm saying?

I've corrected you numerous times on this.

I can only conclude that you're a troll who is so desperate for any form of human interaction that you're willfully misrepresenting what I'm saying repeatedly in order to have some sliver of socialization.

People want access to medically assisted dying. You are asking the government to use its power to forcibly deny them that service. If you're not asking for that, and you instead want people to be allowed to access this service, then please correct me.

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