As a Canadian, I wish I could disagree

Hey, I'm not going to take any real sides here, I just want to help you be at ease.

I live in Texas. You know, that ultra racist bigot Trans hating state. Or at least, that's what the media wants people to think.

I meet hundreds of people every day for my job, and while I can't speak for all of Texas, I can say based on my experience, almost nobody hates Trans people here. And pretty much nobody is racist.

On media it shows that we're all racist and transphobic, but that's like 1% of our population. The media shows that to scare people. While in reality, most people are friendly and nice.

I myself have a few transgender associates, and nobody cares that they're Trans. And all these bills that you speak of, they aren't extreme at all. Most of them are good, even according to my Trans pals. People just have to see past their emotions. Sometimes what you want is not what you need.

The don't say gay bill has been ultra villainized in the media, when in reality it's perfectly reasonable. Teachers shouldn't discuss sex and gender issues in early grades. That's it. Nothing more. No rights are being taken away, really.

If you came here to Texas, you'd be welcomed by most people. Democrats, Republicans, doesn't matter. Nobody really cares. We don't hate you like the media wants you to think we do.

Please don't generalize people based on what you've seen from news and media. We would love to have you here, not hate you. The media scares people from both sides into hating eachother. But in the real world, it's not the same. Yes, there are bad apples. But you made a statement in another comment about how someone shouldn't generalize an entire group due to the actions of a few. I agree with you.

Don't be scared, that's where all the hate is really coming from.

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