Cancel Culture is cancer no matter which side does it

Israel has Muslims celebrating on the streets for all their major holidays. They protect their borders from individuals from what they consider are other countries. I wish America did that.

An ethno state lol. They have a lot of Arabs in their Parliament for the world's only Jewish country. People need to get a grip.

They forced Arabs out! Nooooo! Evil!!!! So did almost every European country after World War II to the Germans. Don't see them trying to return. They lost a war and had to deal with it. Arabs lost 6 wars and are still like "please we want to get rid of the Palestinians despite them being here is our fault. Let's make Israel take them back." And Israel is like, "lol, you guys tried to take us out six times and lost, not our problem. You made your bed, sleep in it." Those racist Israeli's acting as reasonable people. It makes me sick!

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