You cannot make this shit up. Trump just tweeted to look up Alicia Machado's sex tape!

Trump just tweeted to look up Alicia Machado's sex tape!

No he didn't.

(check out sex tape and past)

is the actual quote. Given the context and Trump's history of communicating at an elementary level it's reasonable to determine the implied meaning is "just look at" or "for example" and not "literally go look this up for yourselves." Looks like you can make this shit up.

As much as I hate Trump I hate when additional nefarious meaning is added to the moronic shit he says more. Isn't what he said bad enough? Isn't his temperament disqualifying enough? Is purposely misinterpreting what he says to make it look worse really going to accomplish anything?

It cheapens the argument against him and those making it because we should know better. Stooping to his level cheapens us because we have the ability to rise above it.

Our country is facing a level of social unrest we haven't seen since the 60s. And instead of advancing the national dialogue we're more concerned with winning the argument. We're no longer defending our ideals, just engaging in an egotistical pissing contest. It becomes recursive. Each side justifying their actions because of what the other side has done. An infinite loop of "You started it. No, you started it."

When we allow the ends to justify the means, when we don't hold ourselves to our own standards than we've given up all footing our arguments hold. And the eventual outcome is where we find ourselves today. A descending moral leap frog, each time stooping lower than we were before until we're eventually staring down the double barrel of voting for the two most unpopular Presidential candidates in history, arguing over which one is going to hurt less, the left or the right.

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