Why cant we all just get along? (From lars' new video)

There's absolutely nothing that irks me more than how freakin' pretentious people can get with their chosen style. That goes for Lars fans and pretty much every single branch of archery out there-- I can't tell you how many times I've gotten scoffed at for having the gall to cant my longbow at tournaments. I've had one kid (JOAD age) tell me that his oly recurve was more of a "pure style" of archery than my D shaped longbow with wooden arrows.

So that tribal mindset really goes both ways.

I find it quite interesting and altogether disheartening that most of the denizens of this subreddit automatically recoil at the mere mention of Lars, as if it's some kind of inside joke the cool kids like to snicker about. Yes he's a trick shooter. He's clearly found something that, as far as we can tell, works, and also fills a niche that most archery styles can't dream of filling (fast paced close quarters combat). Outside of this subreddit though there's not nearly as much toxicity brought up whenever a Lars video appears.

I'm no massive fan of the guy but so far, from what I've seen, his latest stuff doesn't try to poop on more popular styles anymore. Maybe he's calmed down a bit? According to the director of the new Robin Hood film, he literally wanted to bring in more archery experts (by the looks of a behind the scenes video, it looks like he brought in a longbow expert, an oly target expert, and then another practitioner of the Saracen style) to make sure every base was covered (posted before, but here's a link again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZsQmlZclTo)

So maybe he's calmed down a bit? I certainly hope so. Hopefully people here calm down as well and can get over themselves to see that he's actually doing some pretty cool things.

/r/Archery Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it