I can't do anything. It's vile. I give up.

Put on some heavy metal thrashy music, or maybe you're into punk rock, I dunno, but you're gonna need something fast and very energetic-sounding to motivate you to keep going during this process. You're going to need maybe a nice big box of those black drawstring trashbags. Alright, step three (yeah, I think we're up to three now), now hold a bag in one hand and you can also use one of those "grabber" devices like people use when picking up litter on the sides of the road, or like a stick with a nail hammered into the end or something like that, and that's what you hold in your other hand. Shit man, that part makes it hella easy! You wouldn't even have to bend over or anything, just RAH-RAWR-I-AM-THE CLEANING-MONSTER-GRRRR!!! You could make a game of it and pretend like you got a DUI or something horrible like that and you're picking up litter on the side of the road as like "community service" y'know? Anyway, you just need some really fast loud music and something to make the process easier like that, a big pointy-stick, and the force of will to get this job done. You've already mentioned feeling gross about how nasty it is, so that's motivation right there. And try not to think of it as work, think of it as an adventure or something like that. Use your imagination to turn it into something interesting. Do not allow yourself to get distracted once you start. Actually you might need rubber gloves and a gas-mask too. Keep the stink outta your nostrils and protect your hands. Then you could pretend to be cleaning up toxic waste at Chernobyl!!! And then anytime you get thirsty you're "taking 5 minutes break to escape the 'radioactive' waste" or whatever. Be safe, safety first!!! You can do this!!! It will be hard work but you WILL MAKE IT FUN!!! SOMEHOW!!!

/r/depression Thread