I can't believe how seriously I've been taking myself/life this whole time

This won't make you better... not right away. Don't do it unless you can fully support yourself for the whole journey.

She has a self-destructive tantrum at work and runs out but gets hit by a truck in the end of that video. Life will hit you with that truck one way or another if you do this. Set yourself up so you can be a nomad if and when you want... but don't destroy everything you have to do it.

This isn't better. It may get you there if you are lucky as fuck and resourceful as hell... but it's self-destructive and coming out of this will change you. You'll be more lonely, but comfortable with that in a way few are. Ever.

xx, that fat girl who did this, twice over on her own... but lost the person who mattered the most (herself) to forcing things with the guy who was the right person at the wrong time, because she wasn't ready and it wasn't the right time or the right way, so she'll have to do it all again when she's established, when she's been so ready for more from everyone, particularly herself, for so so so long

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread