Cant Climb

You mentioned you switched to support because of being able to help controlling vision and shotcalling. Same thing happened to me, but after seeing your opgg I think you are yet to find the champs that make you able to actually have an impact ingame while making calls and taking advantage of your game knowledge. Janna and Nami are both great supports, sure, but they make you very dependant on your team and pretty much 70% dependant on your marksman during laning phase. I reccomend you to try more teamfight oriented supports such as:

-Alistar: Can single-handedly carry fights and skirmishes if you have summoners up + ult and pretty much everyone knows how and when to follow your engages, which is also very important when your team is "not-so-good". -Taric: Also a great fighter once you get used to your ult timing. BEASTLY skirmisher early-midgame because of his strong damage, sustain and insane playmaking potential with your aoe cc. -Zyra: Very high aoe damage and zoning potential while also having one of the best (if not the very best) laning phases at the moment, beware of nerfs during next patches tho. -Trundle: Not so strong when it comes to individual plays but if your team has a couple aoe dmg sources, a pillar will be the perfect set up for a great fight, also a great pick versus tanks. -Zilean: This is pretty much personal preference but I think he can be a great fighter with good sustained damage, aoe stun, perma 99% slow/sprint after lvl 13 and gamechanging ult. Also has very good matchups during laning phase and sometimes a few good trades + poking can destroy enemy botlane.

This is not only because of your preference on making calls and game control but because ,as far as I have seen, focusing on winning fights is the best way to carry and climb, no matter the role you play. This is mostly because people below, I dont know, maybe diamond 2-3? dont really know how to take advantage of map rotations and objective control and, no matter how big a team's advantage can be during and after laning phase, the game will most surely be decided by which of the teams fights the better around the map.

I hope this helps, if you ever have any doubt about support maining and stuff you can add me (euw: Frøsto) even tho I no longer play there since I have left my beloved Europe I still play a couple games every now and then. Cheers!

/r/summonerschool Thread