I can't commit suicide and I feel trapped in life. There is no way out of the guilt and despair. What am I gonna do now?

I am only a year younger than you haha. There is still a lot of time left. Why do you think you don't deserve good outcomes? Just because you faced a few setbacks you don't deserve a good outcome?

Another thing that helped me was this quote I read from a book,we can only play the cards we are dealt with, not the cards we want. Life gave you and I such a set of cards and we can only play them to the best of our abilities. And if we have done that,there is no shame.

I also read this magazine article which said that life is like a ferris wheel,sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. You're down now but since you're down you can only go up if you don't give up.

Remember that Joseph struggled in Egypt for years before any reward came his way.

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