Can't even drive to work these days.

Might get down voted, but I have to say you appear to be the idiot right along with the driver of the truck.

First you admit the vehicle behind you signaled to the truck that he was clear, and you knew this, but you couldn't be bothered to slow a little even knowing that the truck thought he was clear. You had plenty of room but chose to try to rush past instead of slowing a little to allow the truck to get over. Was that few seconds you were going to save really worth the damage to your car?

Second, a blind person could see he was coming over and was likely to hit, yet you don't appear to attempt to avoid the accident. Your car stays dead straight with no attempt to avoid. Most people try to avoid accidents, and I certainly move to the side if someone comes into my lane to avoid a wreck.

/r/IdiotsInCars Thread Link -