I can't keep this up (pun intended)

Thanks man. And nobody has joined yet dude. I guess I need to do some advertising. My posts never get on hot so I have to self-advertise everything, Yeah I feel you on the excuses thing. After getting into David Goggins I realized that the only reason that I keep quitting is because I don't want to succeed bad enough, so now I'm in the position where I'm trying to get myself to want this life bad enough to give up all of my comforts and old habits. It's a work in progress. Yeah I used to think that I could never do nofap about 3 years ago, but here I am now. Be thankful because so few people think porn is bad for you, that it was literally a miracle that you became open-minded enough to give this nofap thing a try. Never forget that. Good luck man.

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