Can't open a bank account, visa issues = could suicide be the best option for me?

So, you're in a position that's a bit different than many in this sub. I'm saying this NOT because your issues are unsolvable, but because advice might be slow in coming simply because not many people can draw from their own personal experiences to assist.

I do think your issues are solvable, it'll just take some persistence, and a deeper dive into research.

(I'm fairly intellectual, so I don't know if this helps you, but it helps ME to approach things like this as if it's my job to become an expert on this topic. A new subject to learn about, like any other. It helps me shut down the "hurty" stuff like my family being a dysfunctional bag of dicks, and lets me calm down and focus on unemotional stuff, like hunting down data like a detective.)

Consider this task your biggest school research paper--a deep dive into discovering how to separate yourself from an upper-class family. You could even publish an article afterwards with what you find, and help others follow you out of situations similar to yours. So it won't be as hard for them as it is for you.

(I don't know if this will motivate motivated me, being able to help others have it easier than I ever did.)

First, when I google, a lot of the info I see about PEP is from a banker's point of view, not the point-of-view of someone like you. I wonder if you can locate a source of information that has experience with a case like yours.

I found this forum, which had a thread about PEPs from a banker's pov:

The thread I found is no use of you, but I wonder, if you registered there and politely explained your situation, you might get a breadcrumb or two.

There's a very real possibility that nobody will reply, or they'll be suspicious because it's their job to be suspicious (literally their job!), but you wouldn't be looking for validation there but information.

So I'd go onto forums like that completely with the mindset of "it doesn't matter if they believe me about abuse--what I'm looking for is a magic keyword that will point me to deeper research in the right direction."

Like, I'd post something like, "I'm the child of a PEP and thus a PEP by extension. My family is abusive; I want to separate myself from them, but even though I'm of legal age (23) I am having trouble opening a bank account in my own name due to my parent's status. Can you point me to information, or an agency, or other source of information that can help me navigate this? It seems that as a legal adult I should be able to create a banking account for myself in my own name. I just don't know how, or what proof I need to provide."

And then, go look for other forums/subs that cater to bankers or cater to this topic, and ask there. Make a list so you don't forget where you posted, and can come back to see what resulted. Ask in several places, and then go through the results and see if anything you got gives you new questions. And follow up with those new questions. Or if you got new keywords to research, research those.

I would also hit up some other banks like the other person suggested, and try to apply for an account WITHOUT mentioning PEP to anyone first, and just see what happens. Like, do all banks consider you to be one, or only banks like Citibank? Then if they reject you, sit down with someone at the bank who really knows their shit about this topic. So even if they reject you, try to come away from that experience with some new information to pursue.

Learning how to be persistent with research is a life skill that won't only help you here, but it'll help you with your Master's, and with job-hunting, and basically everything real-life. LOTS of people don't learn the value of persistence, but it's probably one of the top 10 skills of a successful person.

You didn't say where you were doing your undergrad, but if you're physically already in the USA for that (or a European country, or Australia, or something), you may need to physically walk into a bank (not email, or chat, or phone--in person) and go directly to a manager--not a low-level clerk, they won't know shit, you need a specialist--and simply get them to explain things to you EVEN IF they won't open an account for you.

Ask right out, "What are my options?" and "Do you know of any agencies who help with this sort of thing that you can refer me to?" If they give names or phone numbers, write them down.

Regarding the visa issues, you should look for a forum online that specializes in that topic. Again, don't go into it with a mindset of "I'm escaping abuse" but a mindset of "I am looking for ANY scrap of information that might help me get a visa".

I really don't think your situation is hopeless at all, but I do think it's a big ol' research project. So you'll need to be like a dogged bloodhound, sniffing out any scrap of information that might help you.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread