Why can't people be nice. Life of a Razor main :(

Super adore Razor. I started using him when I got to Liyue and needed a claymore on my team. Now he's C5 just out of sheer coincidence. I never purposely pulled for any of his duplicates.

I find people like this annoying in general. Like, sorry, I'm going to use characters I like (and that don't have annoying gameplay). I don't care about the Tier lists. Also, tiers change so often depending on fixes and people discovering different builds. Kaeya used to be considered B tier, and a list I just looked at put him at S. Razor was considered pretty high tier previously on. (Ok, maybe I care about tiers a tiiiiny bit, but in the sense that I want to be able to prioritize some characters. At least, I told myself that, but then completely jumped up a character I really like to level 70 not long after I got him just because I like him)

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