cant remember if I've posted this masterpiece here yet

Ik that trick to counter it i sync the jumps im a very experienced meele player with plat on mw and diamond on cold way only got 1 vanguard meele gold tho

“I love using the riot shield, and I also love it when guys ram their cocks down my throat. In fact, countering jump-shots is really similar to jerking off giant, veiny, sweaty, shiny, delicious looking cocks! But I’ll tell ya’, nothing gets me quite as rock-hard as when I look at all of my mastery camos that I’ve unlocked on my melee weapons! It reminds me of all of those cocks I’ve milked in my mouth along with all of the cum that I’ve gargled, just like Dad taught me!”

(I’d like to end this by saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. But OP isn’t gay at all; he just loves cocks and cum, as evidenced by his excessive use of and experience with the riot shield!)

/r/CODWarzone Thread Parent Link -