Can't remember my dreams

Here's things that helped me.

  • Give meditation a try. Here's a interesting quote from the following post

    Remember Dreams & Lucid Dreaming Not Meditating: Rarely/never remember dreams. Meditating: Dreams are remembered intensely, multiple a night, rich in fantastical imagery. Dreams tend to be interesting/positive/symbolic. Easier to lucid dream. When meditating you are constantly reminding yourself to be conscious throughout the day, and so it becomes a habit that continues into your dreams. You'll be in a dream and remember to become conscious, out of habit, and then realize, oh shit! I'm in a dream!

  • Set the intent to remember your dreams by repeating "I will remember my dreams" as you go to sleep.

  • Wake up 4-5 hours after falling asleep, see if you recall any dreams.

  • It is good practice to become more aware - Start by being mindful at every single point of the day. Start with 5-10 minutes then increase when your ready. More detail on this post

    Lets take for instance, you are walking your dog down the street. Be aware of everything around you. Hear your footsteps against the pavement, feel the cushion in the sole of your shoes contract with each step. Feel the muscles working in your legs as you stroll along, see your eyelids blinking, hear the sound of your breathing, feel your lungs expanding and your chest moving as you breath in and out. Smell the air as you travel through the neighborhood. Does it change? Does every breeze smell the exact same? Feel your tongue as it casually rests on the bottom of your mouth. Every structure around you has a you notice them? Hear the pitter patter of the dogs feet, do you hear him panting? Most people hold the leash and walk down the sidewalk completely lost in their thoughts. Most don't even notice the control they are using to power their own legs.

I hope that helps.

/r/LucidDreaming Thread