You can't make this shit up

No, they are 100% not the same thing. I'm beginning to question if you have ever actually been involved in a command. Perhaps you're just having an ornery day.

We "expect" obedience and loyalty, but we still put in place layers of security around controlled information and materials (classified data, military hardware, etc.).

We "expect" troops to follow good comms policies during a comms blackout but we still put proactive measures in place to limit outgoing comms.

I require you to not leak classified information, to take care of uncle sam's hardware, to follow the damn rules...but I put a helluva a lot of layers of processes in place despite my "expectations" to lower the odds that my requirements and expectations are not violated.

I get that none of you have ever been shot at. If you could accept that I have been we will get along much better.

I am one single person replying here--I'm not sure why you're lumping me with the crew. You don't seem to really be interested in engaging meaningfully.

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