You can't have a social welfare system and mass migration, it simply doesn't work, they are mutually exclusively- this is now considered an extreme view in Ireland. Jeering and jesting at the working class and dismissing their concerns, hopes and fears is why the brexit vote was successful.

Most people on this sub are working class, or middle class. The vast majority of us are aware of the problems we are having at the moment, which is the fault of the government. Rhetoric about “saving Ireland” tends to get eyes rolled and fair enough, because it’s usually coming from fucking idiots who can’t seem to proportion blame appropriately. It isn’t fucking Olga from Mariupols fault there’s no jobs in your town.

The type of people I know who spread this shit are the bedroom dwelling, always online, weed smoking (I also smoke so no shade, but let’s not pretend there’s no correlation) pieces of shit who never attempted to do anything with their lives. That’s why these opinions get met with absolute disdain, even tho there is a valid conversation to be had about controlling immigration, which, once again, is under the governments remit, so maybe start directing your anger towards them?

/r/ireland Thread