I can't stand Pete Davidson.

I'm ambivalent. Like OP, I don't like him, and I agree that his "Hey I'm young and I like pot" shtick is very one dimensional. At the same time, he seems to get a disproportionate amount of hate and I have to wonder whether that has anything to do with his race and gender. I'm a white guy and SNL has historically (with a couple notable exceptions) been dominated by white guys. I'm not saying it's racism, it's just like, we're more willing to overlook one dimensional performers when they're just one of several white male cast members because they don't stand out as much. I don't think anybody hated John Milhiser; he just never stood out. That isn't an option for Pete Davidson; he can't not stand out among the SNL cast just by virtue of looking the way he does. I also can't stand Aidy Bryant--I think her oversexed BBW shtick is similarly one dimensional--but I wonder whether the deck is stacked against cast members who aren't conventionally attractive, or at least not conventionally bland looking without any defining physical characteristics. Like, if you're Aidy Bryant or Pete Davidson and you're starting out in comedy, there are a very, very limited number of roles for you to play. You can't really do a lot of impressions because your options are limited by your physicality. Meanwhile, impressionists like Bill Hader or Kate McKinnon can put on a different wig or glasses and become somebody else. (That's not to take anything away from either of them, both of whom are amazingly talented impressionists and comedians.) But I'm saying that was never even a possibility for people like Bryant and Davidson. So, they have to embrace who they are. Bryant is a fat white girl; that's what we see when we look at her, so those are the characters that she plays. Pete Davidson is a 6'+ black woman; that's what we see when we look at him. All their characters are going to revolve in some way around those aspects of their physicality. On the flip side, there are lots of white male cast members who never figured out what their 'angle' was and as a result didn't last long on the show (Brooks Whelan, Milhiser, Paul Brittain, etc.).

/r/LiveFromNewYork Thread