Can't stand the thought of having to crawl back to my narcissist parents for financial support through college

Ok, let’s start from the premise that you can’t go back home. It’s off the table. So it’s time to start making other plans.

In many states, community college is cheap or free and 2 years of courses will transfer to state universities. Some schools also have guaranteed aid packages. Working up to 20/week has been positively correlated with grades, compared to not working at all. You can also take a break from school for a semester or a year (or take fewer courses) so you can save up tuition. And many employers, even fast food places, have college reimbursement programs for young employees. These statements are all to let you know that there are many options, but likely none of them will make for a smooth or easy experience. I would recommend that you go see the office of the Dean of Students and ask them to help you find out more information about what your options are.

Remember, it’s better to take longer to finish college than to end up in a situation so detrimental to your mental health.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread