I can't wait to be sterilized soon.

I will get down voted to hell for this but I'm scared for you that you're putting so much happiness on a future state (that you haven't experienced) that is irreversible.

I'm female and experienced dysphoria as a teenager but feel quite different now I'm in my mid thirties. Yes of course it's still annoying having these baby-making-appendages that are of no use to me. It's still annoying having to deal with periods and making sure I don't get pregnant. It's annoying having to constantly fight against a tide of make up, heels and dresses.

But your base instinct isn't just coming from a place of wanting to pass on genes (I genuinely don't care about that). It might be about wanting to accept yourself as you are. To be unapologetically yourself in a society that wants you to be something else. Maybe surgery is the right thing for you (I have no idea, I don't know you) or maybe one day you'll feel like me. For me, I'm proud that I looked society's bullshit expectations for female bodies in the eye and said "fuck you".

/r/childfree Thread