Can't watch porn any more, it just makes me sad

I am in a similar but different situation. I haven’t had sex with my wife for over two years and have resorted to porn which now does nothing for me. I kind of vicariously lived my desires through it for a while but now nothing. My wife has no problems having sex with me. It’s me who has the problems. She’s very rigid and set in a routine that’s all about her. There is no intimacy towards me. It’s all about her. It’s always missionary and she has to cum first. I’ve been with her for fifteen years and have never had a blow job. We’ve talked about it quite a bit in past years but she has no passion to demonstrate towards me. She just wants me to chase her while she doesn’t have to do anything.

We now have a teenage child and absolutely no intimacy ( no touching, no handholding, no kissing, nothing) She’ll receive it from me but it’s not reciprocated. So I’ve stopped that as well.

I feel I am only loved for how much I am useful.

I can’t leave because of how crazy expensive everything is where we live and my child is becoming a troubled teen making poor life decisions.

So we are basically cohabiting. It sucks.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread