"Cantina Theme" played by a pencil and a girl with too much time on her hands

Credit to u/TCJulian for comment Forget the music career, OP's formula adds up into something incredible. Original formula: x + 4783 - x + 4v|VE| (x + 4)(f - 711) = A Through basic Algebra, we can cancel out the two x's, doesn't matter what their values are: 4783 + 4v|VE| (x + 4)(f - 711) = A Next, we can FOIL out the two parentheses expressions: 4783 + 4v|VE| (xf - 711x - 4f - 2844) = A Well, what now u/TCJulian? We can't possibly fill in any of the other variables without other data. It certainly looks hopeless... However, if you do a little digging, you find that these letters are actually common variables found in physics! v commonly stands for velocity V stands for voltage E stands for Young's Modulus, which is the measure of a solid materials stiffness f stands for friction A is peak amplitude This is where things really start to get crazy. If we can extrapolate that this formula has something to do with the Star Wars universe, then perhaps it might has something to do with space travel (since, you know, that is one of the major themes of the universe right?). Currently, space shuttles that leave Earth travel at approximatley 17,500 miles per hour. This turns in about 7,823 m/s, which-guess what?- happens to be a measure of velocity. We can plug that into the formula: 4783 + 31292|VE| (xf - 711x - 4f - 2844) = A Okay great! Now lets tackle voltage and Young's Modulus next. The highest voltage ever recorded in history was created by the Van de Graaff generators. Clocking in at 25.5 megavolts (25,500,000), this would pretty much instantly vaporize you. It is feasible to assume starships of the future could achieve such voltages, so we will use this number in our calculation as well. On the same vein, it is reasonable to assume that starship material is harder than our modern steel, but not as hard as diamond. Since Young's Modulus is a measure of a materials tensile strength, that puts E at around 498 gigapascals. With these new additions, this brings our forumal to: 4783 + 31,292 |(25,500,000)(498)| (xf - 711x - 4f - 2844) = A 4783 + 31,292 |12,699,000,000| (xf - 711x - 4f - 2844) = A 4783 + 397,377,108,000,000 (xf - 711x - 4f - 2844) = A Phew, that number is quite ridiculous... what is that like 397 trillion meters per second? That number can't possibly make sense... at that point you would be moving approximately 1,325,507 times faster than the speed of light! But you see, we aren't finished with the equation yet. Now we have to incorporate friction, and the mysteries of dark matter scattered throughout the universe. When traveling through space at ridiculous speeds, space shuttles and the passengers onboard interact with matter they can't detect with their human senses. This matter, which has been subject to many scientific debates and exploration, is already gaining evidence that it exists and interacts with other matter in our universe. This number is incredibly precise: 1,185.000000251472022 units of radiation friction. In order to find the correct velocity, we have add this variable to the equation: 4783 + 397,377,108,000,000 (~1,185x - 711x - 4(~1,185) - 2844) = A 4783 + 397,377,108,000,000 (~1,185x - 711x - ~4,470 - 2844) = A We are so close, but yet where do we go from here? The x variable could literally be anything. Hmm, perhaps we need to look closer into the other variable amplitude... And this is where it all comes together. Amplitude is a measure of the magnitude of a variable's change over time. Amplitude is often used in the alongside the measurement of hertz, which normally uses the timescale of one second. If we apply this same methodology to this formula, then we can make x = 1: 4783 + 397,377,108,000,000 (~1,185(1) - 711(1) - ~4,470 - 2844) = A 4783 + 397,377,108,000,000 (0.000000754416066) 4783 + 299,787,674.54 ~299,792,457 m/s Do you know what that number is? That is the speed of light! OP's MUSICAL GENIUS CRACKED THE KEY TO HYPER SPACE AND BEYOND!!!

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