Capitalism is slowly killing us

For whatever reason, watching this video helped get me from spontaneously weeping, totally overwhelmed by the everpresent powerlessness, isolation and worthlessness I feel most days to remembering I didn't choose any of this shit, and it doesn't have to be this way.

My grandfather is the CFO of the company I work for. He's robbed me of tens of thousands of dollars over the years I've worked where I work (the fact that I've been here so long feels like a failure on its face, even though I've quit and tried doing anything else over and over again). He's widely regarded as a "man of great integrity" because he's a former banker and former Marine colonel and involved in his church (all the worst things, pretty much). This fuck "works" maybe four hours a week at the law firm I work at (it's my dad's law firm, I'm a fail son piece of shit, nepotism, etc. I'm aware). But even though this motherfucker is a goddamn millionaire that owns a suburban home that's worth at least another $500k outright, even though this asshole who has always fought against me making a living wage, has fought against me making a penny more than I do despite the people I actually work for arguing to the contrary, is on Medicare, this greedy fuck who doesn't do anything at my work aside from waste people's time with pointless meetings (The only reason I ever have to talk with this asshole is so he can berrate me for not billing more hours way before we actually send bills out or shitting on me for not billing more time when I was sick or on vacation). The fact that this greedy asshole, for no ostensible reason insists on being on our employee healthcare plan so he can have supplemental insurance he doesn't need, has taken me to a dark place.

Last year, my out of pocket healthcare expenditure for the "health insurance I get through my work" quadrupled. I was hopeful we'd renegotiate prices and maybe things would be less terrible. But no, it went up another 20%.

Fuck this evil bigoted fossil. I can't wait til he dies. I can't possibly fathom why he feels entitled to fuck over everyone I work with, but I hope he fucking dies soon.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread Link -