Capitalism Works?

"Millions of people still starved when food had no profit motive."

Except that, food with no profit motive, has never happened. If you're talking about the USSR, there still was very much a profit motive. It wasn't from within the USSR, but from without; the capitalist nations of the world had every motivation in the world to see the USSR fail and did everything in the power to make it fail. A large part of things like the infamous famines were a result of this pressure.

Think about this; the USSR had the resources to beat America into space. Do you know how expensive space exploration is? Don't you think, with those kinds of resources, the USSR could have just bought some food to alleviate the infamous famines? Do you really want to believe that the USSR was so incompetently run that nobody thought of this while millions were starving?

I'm no history expert but that seems like the logical chain of events from where I sit. I know it's a meme to say 'not real communism' but it seems to me that at the very least, attempts to uncouple food production from profit motives were hamstrung by capitalist interference who had a vested interest in seeing this experiment fail.

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